Deluxe Floor Podium w/ Microphone

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Deluxe Floor Podium with Microphone
Have you ever stood in front of a group of people and delivered a speech or presentation? If you have, you know public speaking is not for the faint of heart. Without a podium to buffer a speaker from the critical eyes of the audience, there’s a tendency to freeze up like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.
A podium affords the speaker a place to put notes, as well as providing something to rest hands and elbows on. Just as importantly, a speaker standing behind a podium commands respect. Without one, your speaker is just someone standing there holding a microphone in one hand with the other hand stuck in a pocket, nervously fidgeting with car keys.
This particular podium comes with a microphone and a built-in speaker, so even the back row sitters will be able to hear every word.